Kathey Jo’s Kitchen tagged posts

No One Who Cooks Cooks Alone: Happy National Cookbook Month!

I thought today’s quote by Laurie Colwin was fitting: “No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at her most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks’ past, the advice and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers.” I thought that was a lovely sentiment and it’s true. I have cookbooks I’ve inherited from my family and ones that I’m eager to share with my kids and grandkids when they’re ready to take on the mantle of family chef.

In case you missed it, I offer a few cookbooks here on Kathey Jo’s Kitchen: Best of Baking, Breakfast Classics, Great Meats, Soups, Salads and Sauces, and the Cookie Book. You’ll find some of my family’s favorite recipes and some new ones that are exclusive for fans of my blog...

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Lasagna Day, You Say?

There’s nothing better than a tasty pasta dish. And what pasta dish is more beloved than a good lasagna? Whether you do this dish with meat or without, it’s sure to take up some space in your memory when you think about favorites. Let’s dive a bit into the history of lasagna to commemorate this excellent dinner.
Imagine an ancient book from the Middle Ages known as the Liber de Coquina. The rough translation is “the Book of Cookery.” It was in this cookbook that you’ll find the first lasagna recipe (or lasagne). This recipe dates back to the 14th century, which means our dish we’re discussing today has been around for a truly long time. More specifically, people attribute the recipe to the city of Naples...

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A Brief and Exact Promise of Things to Come: Chicken with Apricot, Sage, and Carrots

Did you know that In Latin, apricot means precious? It was discovered about 4,000 years ago in China, introduced to the United States in the 18th century. It quickly became a popular crop in California who were introduced to it by Spanish explorers. Farmers in California produce more than 95 percent of the apricots grown in the United States.

When buying apricots, choose an apricot that’s plump and that responds to the slight pressure of your thumb. It should be slightly soft. Do you want to try a tasty dish that incorporate apricots easily? Dinner doesn’t get much easier than this one-pan dish. The secret is jarred apricot preserves.

Kathey Jo’s Kitchen has discovered that the preserves balance the sage and mustard in the sauce. Plus, it gives everything a glossy coat...

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One of the Most Delicious Beef Stews Concocted by Man: Now’s a Good Time for Boeuf Bourguignon

Beef bourguignon originated in the region of Burgundy, France, and quickly became a classic Sunday dinner dish worldwide. It’s something that we love serving during weekly meals or for special get-togethers here at Kathey Jo’s Kitchen. My favorite recipe is Julia Childs’ way. I’ve shared the setup with you below, so I hope you enjoy it!

The pieces of beef are braised in a red wine casserole with a topping made of onions, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, bacon and a bouquet garni. It sounds simple and it really is when you stop and think about it. When serving – in principle – wine from the Burgundy region should be trusted to accentuate the flavors. The quality of the dish depends essentially on the meat and wine.

What you might not know about the history of boeuf bourguignon is tha...

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Eat Good Food; Eggplants Are in Season!

Of all the vegetables in the world, at Kathey Jo’s Kitchen, I love the ones that are in season! There are so many wonderful choices out there. Speaking of seasonal vegetables, eggplants are a great way to get your Vitamins A, C and B complex, and potassium. They contain about 30 calories per cup. They’re a yummy and simple way to incorporate new flavors into your meals.

When purchasing eggplant, always choose the fruit that’s glossy and shiny. Dull colored ones will be bitter. Eggplants are perishable, so use them within 2 or 3 days of purchase. Both cold and warm temperatures can damage eggplant. It is best to store eggplant uncut and unwashed in a plastic bag in the cooler section of the refrigerator.

Do not force the eggplant into the crisper if it is too big, as this will bruise...

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If Wishes were Filet Mignon, We’d Always Eat Well at Dinner: Let’s Eat Filet Mignon!

Here at Kathey Jo’s Kitchen, my family are avowed meat eaters. I do try and get them to eat healthier, as you can see from the great recipes that I’ve shared with you over the years. But sometimes it’s nice to turn the other cheek and enjoy a great steak. Author O. Henry coined the term filet mignon in his book, The Four Million, in 1906. The literal translation – from French – is small boneless meat. I mean, anything could be a filet mignon. Look at it as a fancy name for the small end of the beef tenderloin, or psoas major of the steer or heifer.

When serving, consider a classic Caesar or a wedge salad would be an ideal appetizer. The subtle taste and tenderness of the meat doesn’t require elaborate side dishes. Think simply to enhance their flavor without stealing the show...

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Don’t Be a Meanie, Eat a Panini!

Paninis are said to have originated in Lombardy, Italy, in response to Milanese office workers for a quick lunch without sacrificing flavor and quality. In many English-speaking countries, a panino – translated from Italian to mean “small bread roll” – is a grilled sandwich made from baked roll or anything other than sliced bread.

The first American reference to panini, a ‘pan warmed Italian sandwich’ dates to 1956 in an article about an Italian street fair. Trendy U.S. restaurants in New York began selling paninis in the late 1970s & 1980s. August 11, 2015 was declared the first official National Panini Day in America.

Paninis are the king of sandwiches. With their crunchy crusts and melty insides, they’re a crowd favorite here at Kathey Jo’s Kitchen...

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Root Beer Floats are the Stuff that Toasts are Made Of: Happy National Root Beer Float Day!

Root beer is a wholly American drink because colonists were the first to make it. If you want to believe this, then Charles Hires reintroduced it to America via the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876. He discovered a way to mass-produce them, releasing Hires Root Tea. He likely changed the name from tea to beer to apply to the working class. Did you know that authentic Root beer is from about 16 roots and herbs? The primary ingredient was sassafras. Sassafras came to be known as a carcinogen in1960, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned its use. Root beer accounts for three percent of America’s soft drink market. The number one spot for best-selling root beer is A&W. There is a distilled version of root beer too.

DIY Root Beer Recipe


  • 1 gallon filtered wate...
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The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Happy National Chocolate Pudding Day!

Kathey Jo’s Kitchen is here to tell you all about chocolate pudding. Did you know that it originated from the British Isles, and originated in the late 16th century? It’s a dish to one can make on short notice. The ingredients vary and are versatile at the same time. When introduced to discerning British tongues, it was made up of a sweetened porridge made from flour, tapioca or oatmeal, and milk.

In Colonial America, cornmeal was more readily available and cheaper to boot. It took on the name of hasty pudding and consisted of cornmeal mush (meaning the cornmeal was added to boiling water and cooked) with molasses, honey, brown sugar or maple syrup, and milk.

There are two kinds of puddings: a meat pudding is an example of a savory dish, while in America, it’s mostly known as a dessert...

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Chocolate is One of the Backbones of the Pastry Kitchen: Happy Chocolate Éclair Day!

There are many reasons to enjoy National Chocolate Éclair Day at Kathey Jo’s Kitchen. One of them is the pure deliciousness of it all.

An éclair is an oblong pastry made from choux dough filled with a cream and topped with icing. The éclair originated during the 19th century in France. It was called pain à la Duchesse or petite Duchesse until 1850. The éclair may have gotten its name from the flash of frosting that glistens across its top. When baking the perfect chocolate éclair, steam is essential to the construction of the inner hollow that’s filled with vanilla cream. It takes some patience, but once you’ve perfected your recipe, you’ll have something you can always fall back on for sweetness.

Did you know that MasterChef India pastry experts spent three days constructing a 26-f...

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