cooking with kathey raskin tagged posts

Lasagna Day, You Say?

There’s nothing better than a tasty pasta dish. And what pasta dish is more beloved than a good lasagna? Whether you do this dish with meat or without, it’s sure to take up some space in your memory when you think about favorites. Let’s dive a bit into the history of lasagna to commemorate this excellent dinner.
Imagine an ancient book from the Middle Ages known as the Liber de Coquina. The rough translation is “the Book of Cookery.” It was in this cookbook that you’ll find the first lasagna recipe (or lasagne). This recipe dates back to the 14th century, which means our dish we’re discussing today has been around for a truly long time. More specifically, people attribute the recipe to the city of Naples...

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Best Sugar and Spice Nuts Ever

Happy National Nut Day! My name is Kathey Raskin, and I’d like to invite you to my Las Vegas kitchen. My Sugar and Spice Nuts is one of my favorite recipes because you can whip it up in a hurry and serve it for any occasion, whether it’s game night or a PTA meeting. Your guests may ask you what the secret ingredient in this recipe is. It’s paprika! I’ve found when combined with the other spices and kosher salt it gives this mixture just the right amount of kick. Consider serving this dish with a platter of your favorite cheeses and a favorite cold weather drink like hot apple cider or Mexican hot chocolate.


¼ cup packed raw sugar

½ tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp pumpkin pie spice

½ tsp paprika

¼ tsp cayenne pepper

½ tsp kosher salt

1 cup almonds

1 cup pecans

1 cup dry...

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