Bulgur Wheat Salad tagged posts

Eat Good Food; Eggplants Are in Season!

Of all the vegetables in the world, at Kathey Jo’s Kitchen, I love the ones that are in season! There are so many wonderful choices out there. Speaking of seasonal vegetables, eggplants are a great way to get your Vitamins A, C and B complex, and potassium. They contain about 30 calories per cup. They’re a yummy and simple way to incorporate new flavors into your meals.

When purchasing eggplant, always choose the fruit that’s glossy and shiny. Dull colored ones will be bitter. Eggplants are perishable, so use them within 2 or 3 days of purchase. Both cold and warm temperatures can damage eggplant. It is best to store eggplant uncut and unwashed in a plastic bag in the cooler section of the refrigerator.

Do not force the eggplant into the crisper if it is too big, as this will bruise...

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